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Over the past couple of years, our businesses have seen unprecedented times: from a virus that crushed our economy, to the shortage of resources resulting in a decline in vehicle sales at our dealerships. Now more than ever, our Fixed Operations should realize the importance of customer relationships and how we can continue to grow our businesses. What is your plan to retain every customer? Will you develop and deliver a world-class service experience to every customer to keep them coming back to your store?

Customer satisfaction equals customer retention. Customer retention increases our customers’ lifetime value and boosts our revenues. Our customers trust us with their money because we give them perceived value in exchange for an exceptional service experience. Customer retention is net profit. Being profitable is every dealer’s ultimate goal, but success only comes when preparation meets execution. There are many dealerships out there trying to sell someone a car. But what sets you apart from everyone else? Are you developing “deep meaningful personal relationships” with every customer when they come into your store?

Just taking care of our customers doesn’t necessarily deliver the desired results. How is your employee satisfaction? Do you celebrate and coach every single day with your team? While tedious, can we really afford not to put our employee satisfaction on the same level as customer satisfaction? I honestly cannot recall the last time I visited a store that had unhappy employees and happy customers.

If your employees are happy to come to work and feel appreciated for the quality work they provide, then you are already on your way to delivering an exceptional customer experience. In addition, allowing them the opportunity to engage in the development of processes using their ideas that are equal to their investment, you will be successful in every area of customer service in your store.

Leadership now can sustain the processes that have been developed. The strength is in the people. Implementing change “with and for” the people instead of “to and against” creates a culture that will last for years to come. Every store is different because of its people. There is no one way to run your Fixed Operations. We should challenge ourselves every single day to find a better way.

M5 Management Services can support you in the development of your customer handling process. Your people are the initial focus, allowing their ideas to build the fundamental processes that will create a world-class service experience in your dealership. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to come into your store and develop a personalized plan to assist you with growing your business.

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